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Võida kuni 10 000€ omakapitalivaba rahastust toidusektori muutmiseks läbi EIT Food Innovation Grants Scheme'i

EIT Food missioon on muuta Euroopa toidusüsteemi tehes see paremaks nii meile kui planeedile. Tehes koostööd ettevõtjate, innovaatorite, investorite ja laia kogukonnaga muudab EIT Food seda, kuidas me toodame, töötleme, jaotame ning tarbime toitu.  

The Innovation Prizes võistlus on Euroopa üks kõige suuremaid startupide võistlusi põllumajanduse ja toidu valdkonnas.

The Innovation Prizes toetus antakse ettevõtjatele ja algusfaasis olevatele startupidele, et toetada uute toidusüsteemi muutvate toodete ja teenuste arendamist eesmärgiga muuta eksisteeriv süsteem tervislikumaks, jätkusuutlikumaks ja usaldusväärsemaks. le and more trusted.

Regionaalse Innovatiooni Skeemi (RIS) läbi on sellel aastal The Innovation Prizes saadaval ka Ida- ja Lõuna-Euroopas. 

17 finaalis üle Euroopa (RIS riikides) jagatakse 10 000€ ja 5 000€ auhindu.  Eesti finaal toimub finaal 26. augustil Tallinnas. 

Lisaks rahalistele auhindadele saavad võidavad osalejad laiast kontaktivõrgustikust, investoritega kohtumisest ning tasemel koolitustest. Lisaks on EIT Food suur kommuun, kus on palju mentoreid ning eksperte.   

Jätkub inglise keeles.

Eligibility Requirements:

We welcome applications from those who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. any resident, citizen or legal entity based in Europe or EIT Food associated countries

  2. to be considered eligible for the Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) competition, the applicant must be a citizen and/or residents of: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Greece

  3. The proposed products or services must align with one or more of EIT Food’s strategic objectives:

  4. Making the food system better for people’s health

  5. Making the food system better for the environment

  6. Making the food system more trusted and transparent

Application Process

Applications will be opening on the 1st of April via F6S. Deadline is June 1st 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions:

We strongly recommend that you read the full Terms and Conditions to understand the rules of the Innovation Prizes competition; however, a few simple Q and As are belowmuuta

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Q: What is RIS?

RIS stands for Regional Innovation Scheme, which is a special funding scheme to support entrepreneurs and startups in countries in Eastern and Southern Europe. It is only available for residents and/or citizens of one of the following countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Greece.  

Q: I have applied and became a finalist of the EIT Food RIS Innovation Grants/Entrepreneurships Prizes in 2018. Can I still apply for the Innovation Prizes?

Yes, you can! However, winners of 2018 edition of EIT Food RIS Innovation Grants/Entrepreneurships Prizes will be considered ineligible, please read complete eligibility criteria in the Terms and Conditions

Q: When and where will the Demo Days will happen?

Demo Days dates and location will be announced at

Q: Do I have take part in the Demo Day?

Yes – you do.  A minimum of one member of your team must participate in the Demo Day and accompanying training. However, the more, the merrier.

Q: Which of the 17 live demo day locations should I apply for?

A: Applicants based in RIS countries, should apply for the scheme taking place in their country of residence.  All other applicants can choose to participate in the demo day taking place in either Germany or Denmark.  

Q: What does the training that accompanies the Demo Day consist of?

The training will be tailored to the needs of the startups participating. However, likely topics include, pitch training, building strong relationships with investors, effective communication, funding sources and marketing.

Q: What stage of idea/startups is this competition for?

There is no exact formula for this. However, startups should note that this prorgamme is for early-stage entrepreneurs and startups. If you have raised large amounts of investment (i.e. more than 100.000 Euros) or have large revenue streams (i.e. more than 50.000 Euros), this Prize is probably not for you. In fact, one of the criteria that your application will be judged upon is whether the Innovation Prize will be ‘catalytic’ in your startups success. If you wish to discuss the individual sitation of your startup, please contact us Apply here Start now!

Submissions for up to 10 000 euro available for entrepreneurs tackling the challenges facing our food system can be sent for: 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Application period

Application deadline and assessment

Finalist demo event in Tallinn Monday, April 1, 2019 Saturday, June 1, 2019 Monday, August 26, 2018

Find out how EIT Food Hub can help you!

EIT Food Co-Location Centre North-East was established in Warsaw in 2017. Together with our partners from Denmark, Finland and Poland we work towards making the food system more resource-efficient, secure, transparent and trusted. Our goal is to boost the skills and entrepreneurial spirit in agri-food sector in order to deliver a healthier lifestyle for all European citizens. More


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