BioCC Awards
Quality Innovation Award 2021

BioCC OÜ was awarded the 2021 Finnish Quality Innovation Award for the silage preservative Lactobacillus plantarum TAK 59 .
Tartu's best entrepreneur 2017 in the field of life sciences and medicine

BioCC OÜ was awarded the best entrepreneur in Tartu in the field of life sciences and medicine in 2017.
Special award EUWIIN 2013

L. plantarum E-98 received a special award at the EUWIIN (European Union Women Innovators' Network) conference and exhibition of women's inventions EUWIIN 2013.
Finnish Quality Innovation Award

BioCC OÜ was awarded the 2010 Finnish Quality Innovation Award for Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia .
Estonian Best Food 2010

Winner of the "Estonia's Best Food 2010" competition subgroup, Estonia's Best Dairy Product
Harmony Südamejuust (manufacturer: Piimandusühistu E-Piim). Harmony heart cheese contains the BioCC bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia .
Tartu's best entrepreneur in 2009

BioCC OÜ was awarded the title of the best entrepreneur in Tartu in 2009.
Special award EUWIIN 2009

At the 2009 EUWIIN (European Union Women Inventors' & Innovators' Network) conference and exhibition in Helsinki, the probiotic Lactobacillus.
plantarum Tensia ('Heart Cheese') was awarded the EUWIIN 2009 Special Prize.
Gold Prize KIWIE 2009

BioCC OÜ won the gold medal for Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia at KIWIE 2009 (Korea International Women Inventions Exposition 2009) in Korea.