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Rätsep, M.; Kilk, K.; Zilmer, M.; Kuus, L.; Songisepp, E. (2024). Investigation of Effects of Novel Bifidobacterium longum ssp. longum on Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Blood Serum Parameters in a Conventional Mouse Model. Microorganisms 2024, 12(4), 840;

Rätsep, M.; Kilk, K.; Zilmer, M.; Kuus, L.; Songisepp, E. (2024) A Novel Bifidobacterium longum ssp. longum strain with pleiotropic effects. Microorganisms, 12; 174.



Štšepetova J., Rätsep M., Gerulis O., Jõesaar A., Mikelsaar M., Songisepp E. (2023). Impact of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Inducia on metabolic and antioxidative response in cholesterol and BMI variable indices: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Beneficial Microbes, 14(1): 1-15


Teder-Laving M., Kals M., Reigo A., Ehin R., Objärtel T., Vaht M., Nikopensius T., Metspalu A., Kingo K. (2023). Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel loci conferring risk of acne vulgaris Eur J Hum GenetOpen access


Vasiliauskaite, A., Mileriene, J. Kasparaviciene, B., Aleksandrovas, E., Songisepp, E., Rud, I., Axelsson, L., Muizniece-Brasava, S., Ciprovica, I., Paskevicius, A., Aksomaitiene, J., Gabinaitiene, A., Uljanovas, D., Baliukoniene, V., Lutter, L., Malakauskas, M., Serniene, L. (2023). Screening for Antifungal Indigenous Lactobacilli Strains Isolated from Local Fermented Milk for Developing Bioprotective Fermentates and Coatings Based on Acid Whey Protein Concentrate for Fresh Cheese Quality Maintenance. Microorganisms, Vol. 11. DOI:


Vasiliauskaite, A., Mileriene, J., Songisepp, E., Rud, I., Muizniece-Brasava, S., Ciprovica, I., Axelsson, L., Lutter, L., Aleksandrovas, E., Tammsaar, E., Salomskiene, J., Serniene, L., Malakauskas, M. (2022). Application of edible coating based on liquid acid whey protein concentrated with indigenous Lactobacillus helveticus for acid-curd cheese quality improvement. Foods, Vol. 11. DOI: 


Merle Rätsep, Liina Kuus, Kalle Kilk, Merle Muruvee, Sirje Kuusik, Oksana Gerulis, Mirjam Vallas, Epp Songisepp. (2022). Variety of Functional Characteristics of the Probiotic Lactobacillus Plantarum Inducia Contribute to the Prevention of Clostridioides Difficile Spore Germination. Scientific Literature Gastroenterology.   


Songisepp, E.; Stsepetova, J.; Rätsep, M.; Kuus, L.; Piir, A.; Kilk, K.; Mikelsaar, M. (2022). Polyfunctional metabolic properties of the human strain Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Inducia (DSM 21379): Experimental and clinical approaches. Journal of Functional Foods, Vol. 92. DOI:


Sepp, E., Smidt, I., Rööp, T., Štšepetova, J., Kõljalg, S., Mikelsaar, M., Soidla, I., Ainsaar, M., Kolk, H., Vallas, M., Jaagura, M., Mändar, R. (2022). Comparative analysis of gut microbiota in centenarians and young people: impact of eating habits and childhood living environment. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., 12, 895404,


Mikelsaar, M., Stsepetova, J., Mikelsaar, R.-H., Truusalu, K., Smidt, I., Hütt, P., Rätsep, M.,  Songisepp, E. (2020). Polyamines of human strain Lactobacillus plantarum Inducia induce modulation of innate immune markers. Journal of Functional Foods, Vol. 72. DOI: 


Rätsep, M., Kuus, L., Kilk, K., Muruvee, M., Kuusik, K., Gerulis, O., Vallas, M., Songisepp, E. (2020). A Variety of Functional Characteristics of the Probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Inducia Contribute to the Prevention of Clostridioides difficile Spore Germination. SL Gastroenterology, 3(2):132.



Kaart, T., Smirnov, K., Viinalass, H. (2019). Pedigree-based genetic relationships and genetic variability in Estonian Holstein population. Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science: 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Ghent, Belgium, 26-30 August 2019



Marika Mikelsaar, Jelena Štšepetova, Raik-Hiio Mikelsaar, Kai Truusalu, Imbi Smidt, Pirje Hütt, Merle Rätsep, Epp Songisepp. (2018). Polyamines of human strain Lactobacillus plantarum Inducia induce modulation of innate immune markers. Journal of Functional Foods, Volume 72, September 2020, 104064.

Epp Sepp, Imbi Smidt, Jelena Štšepetova, Tiiu Rööp, Pirje Hütt, Merle Rätsep, Marika Mikelsaar (2018). The effect of Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 on the intestinal microbiota and urine polyamines content: A double-blind placebo-controlled pilot trial. Journal of Functional Foods Volume 48, September 2018, Pages 430-438.


Henno, Merike; Ariko, Tiia; Kaart, Tanel; Kuusik, Sirje; Ling, Katri; Kass, Marko; Jaakson, Hanno; Leming, Ragnar; Givens, D.Ian; Sterna, Vita; Ots, Meelis (2018). The Fatty acid composition of Estonian and Latvian retail milk; implications for human nutrition compared with a designer milk. Journal of Dairy Research , 85 (2), 247−250.


Songisepp, E.; Sadam, L. (2018). Toidu- ja hügieeniproovide võtmine mikrobioloogilisteks analüüsideks ning proovide analüüsimine. Võrguteavik DOI:


Songisepp, E., (2018). Postbiootikumide mõjujõud. Naerata!: Apotheka ajaleht, 50 (22), 30−30.


Olt, A.; Songisepp, E.; Ots, M. (2018). Lactobacillus plantarum TAK 59 as a silage additive to improve the silage quality. Proceedings of the XVIII International Silage Conference: XVIII International Silage Conference, 24-26 July 2018, Bonn, Germany. Ed. Gerlach, K.; Südekum, K.-H. Bonn, Germany: Universität Bonn, 318−319.


Ausmees K., Ehrlich-Peets K., Vallas M., Veskioja A., Rammul K., Rehema A., Zilmer M., Songisepp E., Kullisaar T. (2018). Fermented whey-based product improves the quality of life of males with moderate lower urinary tract symptoms: A randomized double-blind study. PLOS ONE, February 2018.


Ling, K., Henno, M., Jõudu, Ivi., Püssa, T., Jaakson, H., Kass, M., Anton, D., Ots, M. (2017). Selenium supplementation of diets of dairy cows to produce Se-enriched cheese. International Dairy Journal, 71:76-81.


Jõudu, I., Henno, M., Kaart, T., Veskioja, A., & Ots, M. (2017). Changes in rheological properties of Edam-type cheese during ripening. Agricultural and Food Science, 26(4), 198–206.


Rätsep M., Kõljalg S., Sepp E., Smidt I., Truusalu K., Songisepp E., Stsepetova J., Naaber P., Mikelsaar R.H., Mikelsaar M. (2017). A combination of the probiotic and prebiotic product can prevent the germination of Clostridium difficile spores and infection. Anaerobe. Oct, 47:94-103.10.1016/j.anaerobe.2017.03.019



Mikelsaar M., Sepp E., Štšepetova J., Songisepp E., Mändar R. (2016). Biodiversity of Intestinal Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Healthy Population. Adv Exp Med Biol. 932:1-64. DOI: 10.1007/5584_2016_3



Ariko, Tiia; Kass, Marko; Henno, Merike; Fievez, Veerle; Kärt, Olav; Kaart, Tanel; Ots, Meelis (2015). The effect of replacing barley with glycerol in the diet of dairy cows on rumen parameters and milk fatty acid profile. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 209, 69−78.


Le Roy CI., Štšepetova J., Sepp E., Songisepp E., Claus SP., Mikelsaar M. (2015). New insights into the impact of Lactobacillus population on host-bacteria metabolic interplay. Oncotarget. Oct 13,6(31): 30545-56.


Hütt P., Songisepp E., Rätsep M., Mahlapuu R., Kilk K., Mikelsaar M. (2015). Impact of probiotic L. plantarum TENSIA in different dairy products on anthropometric and blood biochemical indices of healthy adults. Benef Microbes 6(3):233-43. DOI: 10.3920/BM2014.0035


Kokk, K., Olt, A.; Ots, M., Songisepp, E. (2015). Piimhappebakteritel L. brevis TAK 124-1 AerobEst® ja L. plantarum TAK 59 baseeruvate silokindlustuslisandite väljatöötamine. Marko Kass (Toim.). Terve loom ja tervislik toit. (79−89). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.


Pretto D., Vallas M., Pärna E., Tänavots A., Kiiman H., Kaart T. (2014). Short communication: Genetic correlation and heritability of milk coagulation traits within and across lactations in Holstein cows using multiple-lactation random regression animal models. J Dairy Sci 97:1–5 ( 10.3168/jds.2014-8270)


Rätsep M., Naaber P., Kõljalg S., Smidt I., Shkut E., Sepp E. (2014). Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum strains on clinical isolates of Clostridium difficile in vitro. Journal of Probiotic and Health 02(01). DOI:10.4172/2329-8901.1000119


Sharafedtinov K., Plotnikova O., Alexeeva R., Sentsova., T., Songisepp E., Stsepetova J., Smidt., I., Mikelsaar., M. (2013). Hypocaloric diet supplemented with probiotic cheese improves body mass index and blood pressure indices of obese hypertensive patients - a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study. Nutrition Journal., 12., 138 - 159.


Kullisaar T., Türk S., Punab M., Veskioja A.., Songisepp E., Zilmer K., Zilmer M. (2013). Dietary Modification of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms with Fermented Whey Product. Open J Urol, 3: 114-120. DOI: 10.4236/oju.2013.32022

Raudsepp P., Anton D., Roasto M., Meremäe K., Pedastsaar P., Mäesaar M., Raal A., Laikoja, K., Püssa, T. (2013). The antioxidative and antimicrobial properties of the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.), Siberian rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum L.) and some other plants, compared to ascorbic acid and sodium nitrite. Food Control, 31:129 – 135.


Harzia H., Kilk K., Ariko T., Kass M., Soomets U., Jõudu I., Kaart T., Arney D., Kärt O., Ots M. (2013). Glycerol as glycogenic precursor in feed., effects on milk coagulation properties and metabolic profiles. J Dairy Res, 80 (2): 190-196. DOI: 10.1017/S0022029913000101


Kass M., Ariko T., Samarütel J., Ling K., Jaakson H., Kaart T., Arney D., Kärt O., Ots M. (2013). Long-term oral drenching of crude glycerol to primiparous dairy cows in early lactation. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 184(1-4); 58 - 66.


Harzia H., IlvesA., Ots M., Henno M., Jõudu I., Kaart T., Ling K., Kärt O., Kilk K., Soomets U (2013). Alterations in milk metabolome and coagulation ability during the lactation of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 96(10): 6440 - 6448.


Songisepp E., Hütt P., Rätsep M., Shkut E., Kõljalg S., Truusalu K., Stsepetova J., Smidt I., Kolk H., Zagura M., Mikelsaar. M. (2012). Safety of probiotic cheese containing Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia according to a variety of health indices in different age groups. J Dairy Sci., 95(10):5495 - 5509.


M. Rätsep, P. Hütt, R. Avi, M. Utt and E. Songisepp. (2011). Antimicrobial properties of Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia (DSM 21380) and Inducia (DSM 21379)

Conference: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AGAINST MICROBIAL ATHOGENS - Research, Development and Evaluation, Valladolid, Spain, 3 – 5 November 2010.

in Proceedings of The International Conference on Antimicrobial Research (Icar2010)



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Štšepetova J., Sepp E., Kolk H., Lõivukene K., Songisepp E., Mikelsaar M. (2011). Diversity and metabolic impact of intestinal Lactobacillus sp. in healthy adults and the elderly. British J Nutr., 105(8):1235-44. DOI: 10.1017/S0007114510004770



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