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Bio4Asia - Lessons for Exporting and Developing products during the pandemic

You are invited to join the EstLat 130 project wrap-up event on December 12th at Riia 181A, Tartu Teaduspark seminar room.

At the 1,5h event both project partners BioCC OÜ and Lotos Pharma SIA will share their experiences developing and producing new food supplements for the South-East Asian market during and after strict restrictions.

This event reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.

Bio4ASIA is a cooperation project between two similar companies working in the same industry - producing food supplements - and based on similar needs and ambitions:  to expand and diverse market of their products in order to develop companies and make them competitive in long terms. However, both companies are having different competencies and strengths in different areas of producing and distribution. BioCC is focused on work with high qualitative lactic acid bacteria cultures and LotosPharma is producing a wide assortment of dry forms of medicine and food supplement. 

The main objective of the Bio4ASIA project is to increase the competitiveness of the involved companies in order to expand and diversify the market and ensure long term stability of the production and growth of the turnover. In the context of this, the specific objectives of the project are: 

  1. to create a new dietary supplement on the base of local raw materials as well as in-house competences of both partners, 

  2. to make the product and also producers - project partners - recognizable in the South-East Asia market.

The main activities are:

  1. project management, 

  2. development of the new dietary supplement - digestive stimulant which corresponds to the requirements of the South-East Asia region (zone 3 and zone 4). It's planned to develop the product on the base of partners' competences and local raw materials - fiber and lactic acid bacteria including the development of formula, pre-tests, development of the prototype, stability tests, 

  3. joint marketing activities including development of product's design, marketing materials and joint participation into the 4-5 international fairs of pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements in South-East Asia in order to overcome barriers of the distance, different business culture, and environmental requirements. 

Time: December 12th, 2022, 13.00

Location: Riia 181A, Conference Room


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